Best Gifts for Travelers

Best Gifts for Travelers

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Shopping can sometimes be a tall task during the holidays. Finding the perfect gift is key so that you ensure your money does not go to waste. If you have someone who is always on the go on your list, check out the 10 best gifts for travelers. Each of these is less than $50 (and currently on sale) so you won’t have to break the bank to get the perfect gift.

Looking for the perfect gift for the outdoor enthusiast in your life? Check out this post.

10 gifts for travelers under $50
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Battery Pack

Best gifts for travelers

Undoubtedly, it seems like when things get into a crunch while traveling, we often find ourselves without any juice. It’s especially important to be powered while traveling as the destination may be unfamiliar and you will likely need to communicate with others. That’s why this battery pack is one of the best gifts for travelers. This is a reputable brand and I have several of these power banks myself.

Packing Cubes

Best gifts for travelers under $50

I have written at length about packing cubes and how helpful they are for travel. It’s to the point where I fly at least 250 times per year and never travel without these.

Why might you need packing cubes?

Has this ever happened to you before… you figure out everything you are bringing, fold it up all nice and neat in your suitcase only to realize that you aren’t going to fit it all in? Then you have to unpack everything to move to a larger suitcase and inevitably the nice, neat piles you folded are now *not* in nice, neat piles anymore?

Your problem is now solved with packing cubes. Once everything is packed in the cubes you can just arrange the packing cubes in your suitcase, if they don’t fit, it takes less than 30 seconds and zero re-folding to move to a different suitcase. Eliminate that frustration, get packing cubes

TSA Approved Toiletry Bag

Best gifts for travelers

Quart sized bags are so 2018. Get a TSA approved toiletry bag so you don’t ever have to worry about having the right sized Ziploc at home and store those 3-1-1 liquids in one of these.

Pro tip: Leave this packed all the time as an easy way to cut down on the time it takes to pack while insuring you still have your essential items.

Travel Size Toiletry Bottles

perfect gifts for travelers

Just because you’re traveling, doesn’t an you have to forget about style. Take your favorite products with you in carry-on approved, refillable bottles. And bonus as they are also super cute.

Universal Travel Adapter

Best gifts for travelers under $50

For the worldwide jet-setter, an international wall charger is another one of those perfect gifts. With several USB, USB-C, and regular plug inputs, you will be sure to stay charged with this device.

Travel Pillow

Perfect gifts for travelers under $50

For red-eyes or transcontinental flights, a travel pillow is critical in getting you to your destination feeling rested and ready to go.

Microfiber Beach Towel

Best gifts for travelers

Is there a beach destination in your future? Who has suitcase space to pack a bulky towel? Try one of these microfiber beach towels instead. They pack down into a tiny pouch and don’t leave you hot like a normal bulky beach towel. I can almost guarantee you will want to use this towel even for your local trips.

Packable Backpack

Best gifts for travelers under $50

If you like to go on adventures while traveling but don’t have the space to pack accordingly, a packable backpack will likely solve your problem. Normally you might just bring a backpack as your personal item, but if you have a computer bag, purse or diaper bag it might be nice to just stow away another option. I bring mine when I am planning to do short hikes, but it also might be nice for the beach.

Travel Cable Organizer

Best gifts for travelers cheap

As we all like to stay connected, often times this comes with a plethora of devices. With devices, come cables. Stay organized with a travel cable organizer so you can always ensure you have a way to plug in.

Pro tip: Leave this packed all the time as an easy way to cut down on the time it takes to pack while insuring you still have your essential items.

Power Strip

inexpensive gifts for travelers

This power strip with 5 ft extension is one of those perfect gifts for travelers who like to stay in AirBnb’s. While most newer hotels have added extra outlets on the nightstands, most homes are not outfitted this way. Therefore having an extra, small power strip handy will be very useful.

Best gifts for travelers

Hopefully you found this holiday gift guide for travelers to be helpful! What else are you adding for the jet-setters on your shopping list?

If this was not exactly what you were looking for, check out this list of best adventure gifts for guys.

Let’s Stay in Touch…

gifts for travelers
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