Merry Christmas from the Cannons

Merry Christmas from the Cannons

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While we were able to include some pictures on our Christmas cards, we didn’t save much room to tell you about what we have been up to this year (or last year for that matter since we didn’t send out cards – oops!) So – just what has been going on around here lately?


Austin is now in his 4th clinical year of residency/5th total year at the University of Utah. He is in the general surgery residency program. Austin did a research year from July 2018-June 2019 which doesn’t count towards clinical years so it’s really his 5th year of residency total. He has about a year and a half left to complete his residency training.

Unlike the regular clinical residency years, research year is a little more relaxed. Check out this research year recap post that covers July 2018-June 2019.

After residency is over, Austin is planning to do a one year fellowship in colorectal surgery (yes, he wants to be a butt doctor, LOL)

The fellowship matching process is very similar to the residency matching process. Austin will apply and interview to several programs (probably around 15 different places). Then he will rank the places he liked and the programs will rank him against other applicants. Then there is a computer system that will “match” the residents to their new programs.

Besides residency, Austin doesn’t have much time for many other fun activities but he is excited that we just got a “new to us” Jeep. However, we did get the Jeep stuck the very first time that we took it off-roading. You can read more about that fiasco here.

After we got the Jeep unstuck – check out the full story


Andrea is now in her third year working for Bristol-Myers Squibb as an oncology medical liaison. This basically means that she shares information related to efficacy and safety of the cancer drugs with oncology physicians, pharmacists, nurses, etc. Andrea covers 4 states (Utah, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico) and has flown around 250 times this year between work and fun. She is excited to take her first international solo trip right after Christmas to Sweden.

Andrea is proud to have completed two Ironman 70.3 (half Ironman) events this year. These consist of 1.2 miles swim, 56 miles bike, 13.1 miles run in that order. She also did two Olympic distance triathlons which are approximately half of all of those distances. Andrea has signed up for her first FULL Ironman to be completed in November 2020 near Phoenix, Arizona. A full Ironman is 2.4 miles swim, 112 miles bike, 26.2 miles run. There will be lots of training in 2020.

Andrea crossing the finish line in her 2nd Ironman of the year 2019 (she has done a total of three)

2019 Travels

This was a great travel year for us, mainly because the second half of Austin’s research year was the beginning of 2019. A few of the places we visited included Kauai, New Zealand (maybe an all-time favorite!), Havasupai, and Southern Utah/Northern Arizona.

Just before a helicopter ride in Kauai
Havasu Falls Hike
Havasu Falls in Havasupai Indian Reservation, AZ
New Zealand North Island Itinerary
Tongariro Alpine Crossing overlooking the Emerald Pools, New Zealand
Hiking the Subway in Zion National Park
The Subway in Zion National Park, UT

Other fun things from this year

Austin and Andrea completed the Huntsman 140 bike ride (Andrea rode 140 miles and Austin rode 75 miles) in June 2019.

Austin and Andrea before the Huntsman 140 bike ride

Dex turned 5 this year and is still as playful as ever.

Dex is our 5 year old goldendoodle

Andrea has also been blogging pretty regularly so you can keep up with us year round if you are interested by bookmarking the blog or subscribing at the bottom of this post. You can also follow Andrea on Instagram here.

Overall, we are incredibly grateful for such a wonderful 2019 and we are looking forward to 2020. We wish each of you a Merry Christmas and wonderful holiday season.

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