I am grateful!!!!

I am grateful!!!!

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Today was Day 28 of The Secret.

If you missed my most recent Facebook Live or previous posts, The Secret is a book that walks you through different daily gratitude practices for 28 days. You can pick up your own copy here.

Here is that Facebook Live if you wanted to watch it:

After I got home from Hawaii, I decided I would start swimming again. I ordered a swimsuit and found a local pool.

I went twice, by myself. And on that second time a bunch of guys showed up as I was cooling down and asked if I was swimming with them that day.

Turns out, this group has been swimming together since the late 80’s and I have joined them three times a week for the last month.

One of their traditions is snow angels mid-practice when there is fresh snowfall.

If you know me well, you KNOW I am not a big fan of cold weather. However when I woke up this morning and saw the snow I was literally giddy for snow angels.


Because I am grateful.

I am grateful for my new swim group.

I am grateful for the accountability.

I am grateful for the heat inside my home.

I am grateful for my health.

I am grateful to be able to walk my dog and watch him frolic in the snow.

I am grateful for this beautiful city I live in and the mountains that surround me.

I am grateful for YOU – my friends and family who support me.

Gratitude isn’t something that should stay in November, imagine what it can do for you all year. Please go grab The Secret for yourself: http://amzn.to/2fFxBuO

I will put up a review for you soon, but go ahead and buy it now.

You will be so glad that you did!

swimming snow angels
Yes, it was as cold as it looked!
swimming snow angels
Ok I got a little used to it… and then it got tingly
The finished product
The finished product
Another angle as I ran back inside
Another angle as I ran back inside

Currently reading: “Happy Pocket Full of Money” by David Cameron Gikandi

Currently listening to: “The Charisma Myth” by Olivia Fox Cabane

Sharing is caring!

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