Is there Lyft in Puerto Rico

Is there Lyft in Puerto Rico

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Headed to Puerto Rico? One of the things involved in any trip planning is figuring out how to get around once you arrive at your destination. You could rent a car, takes shuttle or utilize public transportation in many instances. However with the convenience of Uber, Lyft and others, this is a popular option. One of questions I had before traveling to Puerto Rico was “is there Lyft in Puerto Rico?

Pro Tip: I visited Puerto Rico for free (no cost for the hotel or flight) with travel hacking. Not sure what travel hacking is? Learn more here.

When I looked online in advance of my trip, I only found outdated information. As of December 2019, the answer to if there is there is Lyft in Puerto Rico is NO. However, Uber is available in Puerto Rico at this time. (Lyft is my usual go-to because of the benefits of earning Delta Skymiles for rides.)

Never used Uber before? Follow this link to get a free/reduced cost first ride.

On the resort property at La Concha Renaissance in Condado Beach

I was able to obtain an Uber at the airport as well as all around San Juan. According to the drivers, Uber is mostly limited to San Juan. If you are traveling outside of San Juan this is a much less reliable option.

Where would Uber not be an option?

For activities such as visiting the rainforest, the western or southern side of the island, or visiting the bioluminescent bays outside of excursions booked through the hotel, renting a car would be most ideal.

Hopefully this helps answer the question of whether you should rent a car or rely on Uber to get around during your stay in Puerto Rico.

For a complete guide of what I did while in Puerto Rico, check out this article here.

Headed to Puerto Rico soon? Drop your questions in the comments!

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