Is travel an acquired taste?
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It’s no secret to anyone who is even an acquaintance of mine that I absolutely love to travel. Maybe it’s something about how vast, uninhabited and unique the west is that just invites you to explore further. Perhaps it’s the feeling when standing under the centuries old architecture from other countries and feeling the awe of creation in a time that it wasn’t so easy. Or maybe it’s that my dad was in sales and we would always go with my parents on trips creating fun family memories. Whatever it is, I can’t. get. enough.
My friend Collin who was visiting a couple of weeks ago and I have both been bitten by the travel bug. We were discussing the contentment of some people to stay home compared to how we are both wired on our road trip from Salt Lake City, Utah to northern Arizona.
This got me thinking… is travel an acquired taste? Is travel sort of like beer in college (or high school – no judgment here), where you took your first sip and thought it was absolutely the worst thing ever. And your mom was so right about that nasty stuff but then gradually you realize it does go really well with pizza, and burgers? Maybe travel is one of those things you have to try a few times to learn the tricks… how to get through airport security without having a panic attack, that you definitely don’t want a less than two hour layover in the Charles de Gaulle Airport because you will have to run, or that odds are if you want to check your bag and not pay, they will give you the option once you get to the gate.
This got me thinking… is travel an acquired taste?
And once you get a taste for travel, it’s hard to go back to hanging out at home most weekends. There are always more places to go and people to share experiences with. Travel helps you get to know yourself better as well because experiences you have are much more variable than they would be if you were doing something similar week in and week out. Fortunately my job is also now allowing me to see the US, and I am so grateful for this.
What do you think? Were you born with a wanderlust soul or did it take over slowlyyyy or maybe all at once after one particular trip?
I have already shared some pictures from my adventures with Collin here. But I wanted to share the rest. Below is the portion of our trip in northern Arizona near Lake Powell and Horseshoe Bend. And sorry in advance, I was a bit obsessed. It’s an absolutely gorgeous spot.

Currently reading: “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne
Currently listening to: “You are a Badass” by Jen Sincero ****If you haven’t read or listened to this book yet, PLEASE do. This is somewhere around the 10th time in the last year I have read/listened to it and it is SUCH a great book. Very influential mindset wise. I always get something new out of it each time.

Andrea Cannon is a pharmacist, triathlete, gratitude practicer, and avid traveler. For both business and pleasure, she has taken more than 250 flights yearly for the past 3 years. In addition to being a travel hacking enthusiast, Andrea enjoys hiking and spending time with her husband (Austin) and dog (Dex). You can connect with her via her blog www.beaUTAHfulworld.com or on Instagram @andreafcannon .
2 thoughts on “Is travel an acquired taste?”
I would definitely agree that travel is an acquired taste. I never saw myself living the life I do now before my first trip to Europe and skydiving episode in 2011. That trip changed my life, probably for the better. Now, my job is really a secondary focus in my life, viewing it as simply a means to fund what truly makes me happy. Keep it up!