Review: Mel Robbins Take Control of your Life

Review: Mel Robbins Take Control of your Life

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If you have seen some of my previous blog posts, you know that at the beginning of 2020, I made a goal to read one book per month and listen to one audiobook per month and then write a blog post on each. Despite this being a travel blog, travel still allows a for a lot of down time that can be spent productively. One of the audiobooks I chose came as a recommendation and it’s more of a “project” than a book. This was Mel Robbins’ Take Control of your Life and it’s actually the perfect 2020 recommendation.

You may recognize Mel Robbins from the 5 Second Rule, or from her time on CNN. Regardless, I appreciate her no-nonsense approach to this project. My listening to Mel Robbins’ Take Control of your Life came right in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic and its applicability to life during this unknown time has been amazing. Similar to my review of You are a Badass at Making Money, it’s understandable if you aren’t feeling super “in control” of your life (or of your finances). That’s what makes these audios so powerful.

Mel Robbins’ Take Control of your Life – Background

Mel Robbins started this project with Audible after doing many surveys to find out about people’s biggest fears. It turns out, that at the core there were many common themes. She discovers that “It all comes down to control and our innate desire to have it in our lives.” The audible is a collection of Mel Robbins’ coaching sessions with 6 people as she helps them dig deeper into these fears to take control of their lives.

It all comes down to control and our innate desire to have it in our lives.

Mel Robbins

Mel Robbins’ Take Control of your Life – Following the Fear

During the depths of the coronovirus pandemic, there was a lot of fear. It turns out this has a lot to do with the nature of fear itself. Mel Robbins said that through her project she discovered something vital. Here it is:

I discovered something gamechanging about the nature of fear itself. Even though we all have different ways in which we silence ourselves, and even though we all describe our fears differently, it all comes down to one thing: control. The connection between fear and control is unmistakable. You feel nervous or afraid at any moment when you sense you’re about to lose control. That’s it. Thinking about losing control makes you nervous or afraid.

Mel Robbins

So this explains why anxiety was high – everyone felt out of control. To revisit specifically: “The connection between fear and control is unmistakable. You feel nervous or afraid at any moment when you sense you’re about to lose control.” The false idea that we can “maintain control”, especially during a pandemic is part of the problem.

Mel Robbins Take Control of your Life

Mel Robbins teaches ways to follow the fear and identify it in your life throughout the audiobook. The first step is identifying it in your body right away as soon as you begin to feel on edge, and before your brain even notices that you are afraid. She helps you label the changes and suggests ways to combat emotions during the first 90 second window of time.

Why you should listen to this book

Mel Robbins really digs deep into core beliefs and fears that are common to a lot of us. If there is an area of your life where you feel like you are being held back or not hitting your full potential, this is an excellent recommendation for you. Additionally if you are or were struggling during the coronavirus pandemic, it will help explain what fear does to the body and how you can conquer that fear.

As Mel Robbins uncovers fears for her coaching clients, one of my favorite quotes of the book comes out. “Who I was does not dictate who I am and who I am becoming.” If you have areas where you want to gain control in your life, and build on your past, definitely grab Mel Robbins’ Take Control of your Life on Audible today.

Mel Robbins Take Control of your Life

Have you listened to this book? Let me know what you thought about it in the comments!

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Mel Robbins Take Control of your Life
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