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Tag: gratitude

How daily gratitude practice can change your life

How daily gratitude practice can change your life

If you follow me on Instagram, you know that two weeks ago I did a daily story update focused on gratitude. I got quite a bit of positive feedback and DMs from this so I wanted to do another blog post about gratitude. Specifically, daily gratitude practice with different areas of focus. What is practicing gratitude? Let’s start at the beginning. If you are looking for a way to learn more about gratitude and incorporating this into your daily routine,…

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It isn’t all Beautahful

It isn’t all Beautahful

But I am grateful anyway. If we are friends on Facebook, you might have seen my most recent Facebook live. Here it is in case you didn’t: However, I want to re-cap for you just in case you aren’t a fan of those things. So I just completed my second round of reading The Magic (The Secret) by Rhonda Byrne and I really wanted to provide a review. Right away at the beginning of the book I begin to relate…

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I am grateful!!!!

I am grateful!!!!

Today was Day 28 of The Secret. If you missed my most recent Facebook Live or previous posts, The Secret is a book that walks you through different daily gratitude practices for 28 days. You can pick up your own copy here. Here is that Facebook Live if you wanted to watch it: After I got home from Hawaii, I decided I would start swimming again. I ordered a swimsuit and found a local pool. I went twice, by myself….

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